Our Mission and Values

Our mission is to love and lead all people into a personal, growing relationship with Jesus Christ.

For everyone who is a part of our community, we unapologetically dedicate ourselves to:

Passionate Worship

We are committed to loving God and loving others, and to be known for our love for one another.

Relevant Teaching

Teaching that equips followers of Christ under the authority of scripture.

Heartfelt Community

The unity that comes when people love, pray, serve, and connect in meaningful relationships.

Life-Altering Service

Service that boldly offers the hope of Jesus Christ in tangible ways to our community.

Passionate Worship

We are committed to loving God and loving others, and to be known for our love for one another.

Relevant Teaching

Teaching that equips followers of Christ under the authority of scripture.

Heartfelt Community

The unity that comes when people love, pray, serve, and connect in meaningful relationships.

Life-Altering Service

Service that boldly offers the hope of Jesus Christ in tangible ways to our community.

Our Beliefs

We invite you to explore our beliefs and join us in our pursuit of living out our faith in boldness and passion.

  • The Bible

    The Bible, in its entirety, is the inspired word of God. It is a true and faithful record of God’s activity in human history and an ongoing dynamic revelation showing to all humanity the means of salvation and offering us newness of life. It is entirely trustworthy and without error in all that it affirms and is the absolute and final authority for faith in God and behavior which honors Him.

  • God (the Father)

    The one true God, creator and sustainer of all things and redeemer of humankind, is made known to us only by His self-disclosure through His revealing words and actions. He is one in being but exists in three persons historically known as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. He is a person of integrity and is entirely worthy of our trust, worship, and love. He desires a relationship with every member of humanity, and sacrificed Himself (His Son, Jesus) to redeem the brokenness and separation sin caused.

  • Jesus Christ (the Son)

    Jesus Christ is God’s one and only Son, fully God, and fully human. The Scriptures declare the Holy Spirit conceived Him in the womb of the virgin Mary. He lived a sinless life, was crucified for our sins; buried and rose from the dead and ascended into heaven. He now reigns as King of kings and Lord of lords. His return is imminent.

  • Holy Spirit (the Spirit of Christ)

    The Holy Spirit is the third person of the God-head, and an active participant in creation, the redemption of humanity, and the revelation of Scripture. It is His mission to testify to the person of Jesus Christ, convicting persons of sin, and convincing of truth. As believers, he lives in us, teaching, transforming, empowering, and gifting us to live Christ-like lives in service to God and others.

  • Human Beings

    Human beings were created in the ‘image of God’ (Genesis 1:26-28) to know God, a heart to love God, and a will to obey God. But Adam’s transgression marred this image and left humanity alienated from God without the hope of restoration of a relationship with God apart from Divine intervention.

  • Salvation

    Salvation is the free and gracious gift of a loving God offered to all of humanity. It is accepted through faith in the person and work of Jesus Christ. Through salvation, a person is forgiven by God, redeemed from sin, and reconciled to God. It is an entrance into a new kind of life and family under the rule of Jesus, which is both abundant and eternal.

  • The Church

    The Church is God’s new community into which every believer is ushered into by faith in the person and work of Jesus Christ. It is both a community of the redeemed and a redemptive community that seeks to celebrate God’s presence in worship, assimilate God’s people through fellowship, instruct God’s people to maturity through discipleship, demonstrate God’s love through service, and communicate God love and word through evangelism. It is, in essence, the Church is the family of God, and we believe it is God’s means of hope for the world.

  • The Return of Christ

    The return of Christ is the central event of the end of time and is the first hope of every believer. At that time, there will be a general resurrection of the dead and persons from all periods of human history will be rewarded or punished according to God’s assessment of their lives. We believe His return to be imminent, absolute, and universal.